Why does it matter?

Patients with a penicillin allergy often struggle to receive a proper antibiotic to treat their illness. Studies indicate that patients diagnosed with a penicillin allergy - whether true or not - end up having more difficulty with infections. More specifically, they have more antibiotic resistance - meaning regular antibiotics don't work as well, more visits to hospitals and doctors and more hospital stays.

In particular a nasty bacteria called MRSA is more common in individuals who are diagnosed with a
penicillin allergy. Once you have acquired this bacteria, it is very, very difficult to eradicate.

How do I get evaluated?

Most individuals who see an allergist for penicillin allergy testing, may no longer be allergic. Many outgrow their allergy over time. It is estimated that roughly 80% of individuals diagnosed with a
penicillin allergy lose their allergy ten years later.

Why Allergy Physicians Calgary?

We are the largest allergy clinic in Alberta and see close to 1500 patients a year for penicillin allergy testing! We are also one of three allergy practices in Alberta to use the highly accurate Pre-Pen for allergy testing. This is much more accurate that the general penicillin allergy test that is done in less experienced clinics.

Please note that penicillin allergy testing required intradermal testing. This is a
video (on the internet - not ours) that explains how it is done.

Please be aware that intradermal testing, ie needle testing is different from most of our clinic allergy testing. Most everything else in our clinic is a scratch test and is very well tolerated. Intradermal needles in adults is well tolerated as well, but many children are scared of needles. Intradermal needles in children can be particularly challenging as unlike blood work done at the lab, it requires careful precision and is sometimes impossible to do in children less than 8 years of age. If you think your child will not be able to tolerate intradermal testing, please have your child evaluated when older.

Hours of Operation:
Monday 0800-1500
Tuesday 0800-1500
Wednesday 0800-1500
Thursday 0800-1500
Friday 0800-1200
Weekends and Holidays: closed

Allergy Physicians Calgary
5918 - 3rd St SW
Calgary T2H 0H8

403-ALLERGY (403-255-3749)
(Second fax line: 403-457-8237)

Our allergists are medical sub-specialists and per Alberta Health regulations see patients via referral only. If you have an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital. If you have an urgent or semi-urgent medical need, please see your primary care physician for evaluation or advice.

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